The projects which helped to develop the ECC
3 previous projects -
European Care Licence (2006-2008)
Creating a Common Foundation in Care (2009-2011)
Not Patients, But Citizens With Rights! (2012-2014)
These were all LEONARDO projects, which developed and tested the BESCLO and the ECC exam and then spread the user network to more states, put the exam online, establishing it as the principle entry level award in the care sector in Europe. They provided all the materials to support the ECC, including:
- developing and translating the core question bank for the ECC exam
- expanding the exam into an online version
- producing Best Practice in Social Care - a shared basic training course to deliver the BESCLO, tailored (='localised') to each country and language aimed at staff new to the sector or wanting to update their skills. It is also freely available in a 'universal' version in English - ready for any new country to 'localise' and use.
- producing Doing Things Right in Social Care - a 'Train the Trainers' course, equipping trainers with understanding and confidence to deliver the basic training course, using the principles of human rights, inclusion and the social model of disability - all enshrined in the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons With Disabilities. It is also freely available in a 'universal' version in English - ready for any new country to 'localise' and use.
We are looking for Lead Partners in new countries to join the ECC and we want to secure the recognition of the ECC within as many countries as possible. It has been placed on the the European Qualification Framework (EQF) at level III.
We have records of around 9,000 ECC award candidates listed on our central Brussels database. Our overall aim is to have strong ECC delivery partnerships in as many EU member states as possible.
The present ECC partnership consists of:
Austria - Direktorverein Osterreichischer Sozialberufsbildung (DIVOS)
Belgium - European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)
Bulgaria - Socialna Associacija Sv. Andrej Balgaro-Germansko sdruzhenies nestopanka cel (SASA)*
- Foundation NET (FNET)
Croatia - Suportiva
Cyprus - Prosvasi, Limassol and L C Educational (LCE)
Czech Republic - Marlin sro
France - Nexem
Germany - Robert Kummert Akademie (RKA)
Greece - Institute for Community Rehabilitation (ICA)
Hungary - Hand in Hand Foundation (HiH)
Ireland - National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)
Italy - Associazione Italiana Assistenza agli Spastici (AIAS)
Netherlands -Van Der Valle Interimmenagment & Consultatie
Latvia - Latvian Movement for Independent Living (LATMIL)
Lithuania - Lithuanian in Kolping Society (Kopling College)
Poland - Fundacja Laurentius (Laurentius Institute)
Portugal - Centro de Educacao para o Cidadao Deficiente (CECD)
Romania - Dizabnet
Slovenia - CUDV Draga
United Kingdom - Social Care Training Ltd