Planned project outcomes

The CCFC project, like every LEONARDO project, has a number of outcomes it has said it will produce.  Our project has a detailed project plan and included in this are the following outcomes:


- Produce and test an online version of the ECC exam


- Find another three countries who want to start using the ECC and help them to do this


- Reach a target of 1,000 people by the end of the project who have passed the ECC exam and so have an ECC Certificate.


- Produce a progress report from each of the member states in the CCFC Partnership on how their country is implementing their National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and how they propose to link awards on it to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).  We also want to get the ECC recognised in as many NQFs as possible and also to achieve an EQF reference for it if possible. 


- We will hold a number of partnership meetings and have a closing conference in Bologna in September 2011.


- In every partner country we want to leave behind a strong ECC National  Network to ensure that the use of the ECC will continue to grow after the project ends.




